The Right Balance Between Technology and Patient Care with Smart Wearable Biosensor

Posted on February 23, 2023

Technology is a positive force when it comes to reinforcing patient care. Smart wearable biosensors, for example, are ensuring physicians never take their eyes off their patients’ health. All the while without clinical workflows having to exert any extra effort. However, the continued implementation of technology in healthcare has brought about concerns of imbalance. There are fears that the use of technology may increase the gap between patients and clinicians while limiting patient engagement and interactivity. In that spirit, our article today discusses just how smart wearable biosensors are actually the solution to improving cardiac care for patients and striking the right balance between care and technology.

Smart wearable biosensors to enable human-augmented monitoring

For the most part, many who ponder over the possibilities of technology in healthcare, envision it as an alternative to human personnel. That’s not entirely the case. With the right technology, there’s still room for both in the workflow, with technology mostly taking over no-brainer tasks that repeat often, while human personnel take charge of more qualitative work.

For instance, let’s consider the case of smart wearable biosensors. These don’t take away the role of the physician or ECG technician for that matter. Instead, it makes things a lot easier for them, with 24/7 access to health data and arrhythmia interpretation hints. As a result, clinicians can pick up on vital deviations before any clinical symptoms begin to manifest.

Some of the benefits of this tech and human-augmented monitoring include:

    1. Better and more holistic patient oversight
    2. Improved diagnostic yield due to minimized human error
    3. Increased patient satisfaction and safety
    4. Heightened physician productivity

This tag-team approach to healthcare, if you will, ensures that the physician retains an active role in the care equation. These sensors are the drivers to help human personnel go about their work with greater efficiency and throughput.

Roping patients into the mix as well with front-row data access

There’s also the misconception that the advancement of technology may increase the already huge chasm that exists when it comes to patient care, and engagement more specifically. Technology is thought set to take over a lot of tasks for physicians and patients, and there’s the fear that the latter will continue to feel more distant from their own care.

Obviously, this is far-fetched. With Cardiac Rhythm wearable biosensors, for instance, patients in fact get to be more active and involved in their care. If anything, the use of such intelligent technology ensures the scale comes ever closer to equilibrium, with patients better understanding their data and what role they have to play in it.
Either party in the care process – doctors and patients- can access data through a portal using a variety of platforms namely:

    1. Desktop
    2. Tablet
    3. Mobile

This is made possible via a super-friendly UI which ensures doctors and less-tech-savvy patients can regularly check in on their own vitals without needing special skill sets. As a result, both sides of the equation take on more active roles in the care process.

Smart wearable biosensors are proven to have a positive/neutral effect

Does technology take away from patient care? Scientists have carried out numerous studies to get to the bottom of the matter. What has become apparent over several years of research is that technology has positive outcomes for patients, in terms of both health and satisfaction levels. At the very least, even critical studies have substantiated a neutral effect on both parameters, but never a negative one.

We can therefore confidently vouch for the use of technology such as intelligent wearable biosensors in healthcare. These are substantiated to better satisfaction through assured oversight while improving diagnostic yield due to round-the-clock data that captures symptoms and vital activity without pause.

Moreover, with non-intrusive, lightweight designs that ensure patient comfort to the point they forget even having them on, it’s clear why satisfaction elevates with such solutions.

Making healthcare more humanised with smart biosensors

The increased mechanisation and automation of healthcare have also presented new warranted concerns about the nature of cardiac care. Some argue that the growing prevalence of technology could dehumanise patient care. It is thought that physician-patient relationships will suffer, as patients begin to interact more with machines rather than human personnel.

Yet, wearable smart biosensors enable healthcare to be more humanised. It may sound ironic, but the use of this technology is enabling more personalised patient care. At the end of the day, humanization in healthcare involves understanding the needs of each individual, as and when they change. Smart wearable biosensors are the first step to making that happen in a large monitoring ecosystem, enabling physicians to get better insight into their patients’:

    1. Lifestyle
    2. Needs
    3. Preferences
    4. Adverse triggers and much more

Overall, the technology enables doctors to better understand their patients which improves physician-patient relationships.

Smart wearable biosensors free up time for patient care

The clinical workflow is stuffed with several duties that don’t necessarily involve direct patient care i.e. interacting with the patients. Smart wearable biosensors, in connection with a cloud-based care management system such as Cardiac Rhythm, are changing this state of affairs.

First, the platform provides arrhythmia classification hints and machine learning-aided diagnostics which ensures faster turnaround for physicians, thus liberating time to spend with the patients. Additionally, there’s a reduced need for IT resources, which minimises the time that goes into managing these aspects of the workflow.

Additionally, compliance adherence is also taken off a physician’s shoulders, as are many other time-intensive, administrative tasks that require daily or regular intervention. Eventually, direct patient care blossoms as a result.

Wearable biosensors bring physicians & patients closer than ever!

Based upon a mutual ecosystem that brings both patients and physicians to the table, smart wearable solutions are one way to help strike the right balance between patient care and technology. Affording data accessibility while lowering the burden on either party, this revolutionary technology is eliminating various disconnects in this industry. If you’re a patient keen to take charge of your health or are a practice aiming for the latest in cardiac care intelligence to improve your diagnostic yield, get Cardiac Rhythm’s smart wearable biosensors today.

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